1. The Structure of flower

On closed seed plant (Angiosperm), flower is composed of several parts including sepal (calyk), petal (corola), male organ (staminate), and female organ (pistillate). Look at the picture !
Sepal and petal are called flower jewlry. Stamen is composed of two parts, stamen stalk (filament) and pollen sac (anther). Pistil is composed of three parts, top of the pistil (stigma), pistil stalk (style) and ovary.
2. The Function of Flower
Reproductive organs function as gamete production. Male gamete is produced by anther, where as female gamet is produced by pistil. pollination occurs on stigma, that is the transfer of pollen to the stigma. Style is a passageway for pollen to move toward ovary. In ovary, there is an ovule which contain ovum.
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